Microcontrollers are not new; they have been available for decades now. They are everywhere in everyday consumer products, such as ovens, refrigerators, toasters, mobile devices, televisions, cars, ATMs, printers, and so many other devices around us. They are usually hidden or buried in such products.
In the next few sections, we will cover microcontrollers in very high-level detail without going into low-level electronics or hardware details, which are beyond the scope and goal of this book.
The main goal of this chapter is to make you – as an IoT solution architect or designer – aware, to some extent, of how IoT devices work in large-scale and production-grade IoT solutions at a high level.
Designing and developing an IoT device is out of the scope of this chapter and this book, so we will not discuss things such as Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design and manufacturing; we will assume that part is typically done by specialized electronic and...