Tips to polish the presentation before, during, or after the event
A presentation is a highly extroverting activity that includes other people making it an activity that uses high amounts of personal energy. As introverts whose personal energy comes from within, we will find it more necessary than with other business activities to plan purposefully to recharge. There is no one right action or time to manage our energy. Be willing to experiment with different ideas and find what works best for you.
Breathing for energy to minimize anxiousness and raise energy
Take deep breaths, letting air out slowly. Part of the issue with being anxious is that we usually breathe too shallow when we are speaking. Then, by being anxious we are letting our energy escape us as in a slow leak in a balloon.
McFall has a specific breathing tactic if we find we are not sure how to get to our diaphragm instead of staying in our throat. Breathing in a way that relaxes us is valuable to act on before we present. We would...