Time for action - finding that which was lost
The bottom block of four selections on the Edit menu is Celtx's Detective Bureau. These guys find stuff for us. They are Find, Replace, Find Again, and Find Previous, as shown in the following screenshot:
Find and Replace use the same dialog box, so there's just one shortcut for both, Ctrl+F. The Find and Replace dialog box is shown below. It has two tabs, not surprisingly those being Find and Replace. Let's look at Find first.
Finding a place or specific wording in a script is as easy as typing a unique part of it into the Find What: box. By unique, I simply mean if we're looking for "the green monkey" we'll have a lot better luck searching for at least "the green" instead of "the." Bet you there are a lot more occurrences of "the" in your script than "the green." It's that easy.
Moving down the preceding dialog box, we find some things that help us search. Match Case, if checked, causes Celtx to pay attention to upper and lower case as it looks...