Printing our play
Once our play is written, we want to send it out for formatting into a PDF file. We do this in all Celtx scripts by left clicking on the Typeset/PDF button at the bottom of the main script window, as shown in the following screenshot:

Our play is sent out on the Internet, formatted, and returned to us in a matter of seconds. Once more, this is very secure and the Celtx formatting servers do not keep a copy of your work. It's just a way of extending the power of Celtx for us.
At the top of the main script window is the Format Options button (see the following screenshot). We can choose the size of the paper (for the PDF, not your printer), the International or American formatting versions, show scene numbers (Both, Left, Right, None), and Show Title Page & Cast (which I'll explain in the next section, it's neato!).

When formatted into a PDF, the American version play looks like the one shown in the following screenshot:

The international looks like the following: