This chapter has been a very interesting one as we covered some of the new types of functions in Excel. The dynamic array functions were game-changing when they were released. They made a lot of computations and reports easy that were previously only possible via VBA and a complex setup of a pivot table. Also, the formula engine update that came along with it, giving all formulas in Excel the ability to spill into multiple cells, was in itself a bigger deal than the new dynamic array functions. Now, we can use old formulas such as SUM
in a way that outputs into multiple cells. And more recently, another type of function has surfaced in Excel: Lambda functions. They allow Excel users to create custom functions and do things that used to be only possible with VBA or a dizzying cocktail of functions. On the surface, they look simple and are easily replaced by other existing functions, but when you leverage the custom function capabilities of Lambda and the dynamic...