Creating basic artificial intelligence
Phew, we have come a long way, haven't we? But the most exciting part is just about to start—we will learn how to create basic game AI in Unity!
In a nutshell, artificial intelligence is all about making decisions autonomously based on a set of conditions and requirements. If a given condition has been met, then the AI will try to move from its current state to the other state that fits the criteria. This is what we call the finite state machine.
In order to know what conditions we need to set in our AI and what decisions it can make, we will design yet another flow chart for the AI:

In this chapter, we will only focus on the part where the AI will start chasing the player whenever the player is nearby. We will learn how to make the AI patrol around a given area in the next chapter, so stay tuned.
Before we start writing the code, we need to add a component called Nav Mesh Agent to our monster prefab. Without this component, our monster will lose the ability...