A bonus segment for our CISOs—recruiting and building your cybersecurity team
As an organization’s cyberattack surface continues to grow, it is made more complex with the constantly evolving threat landscape. As a result, the CISO needs to build a capable team to support its security strategy. The CHRO and HR team must be important collaborators in this effort.
All CISOs should understand the challenge of trying to hire for one or more cybersecurity roles while ensuring that they don’t overlook the fundamental and nonnegotiable requirements of the roles. The CISO needs to choose the right profiles for the right positions but not create a role that cannot be filled. Hiring qualified, experienced, and trustworthy cybersecurity professionals is critical to the success of every security team.
Some CISOs recruit from social media and their own networks. While this might be highly successful if the company is known for its good culture, it undoubtedly isn’...