Project management
I’ve been doing this for many years, and I can honestly say that using straight Agile for an ERP project isn’t a good way to manage a project. Because of the way that Agile completes its effort in sprints, you never really get the whole solution before you start to deploy. You only need to solution what you’re going to complete in that sprint. So, as far as I’m concerned, Agile is out. Waterfall is much better for ERP projects because you know the entire solution prior to starting the deployment part of the project. The downside of this method is that you don’t know how anything works until you get to the end of the project. That is not optimal, as you can’t get on top of any issues that may pop up before you’re ready to go live.
I prefer to go with a hybrid of waterfall and agile. The hybrid mixture works well because you get to bookend the project with waterfall methods, and in the middle of the project, you use...