Basic Algorithms in Computer Vision
In this topic, we will be addressing how images are formed. We will introduce a library that is very useful for performing computer vision tasks and we will learn about the workings of some of these tasks and algorithms and how to code them.
Image Terminology
To understand computer vision, we first need to know how images work and how a computer interprets them.
A computer understands an image as a set of numbers grouped together. To be more specific, the image is seen as a two-dimensional array, a matrix that contains values from 0 to 255 (0 being for black and 255 for white in grayscale images) representing the values of the pixels of an image (pixel values), as shown in the following example:
Figure 2.1: Image representation without and with pixel values
In the image on the left-hand side, the number 3 is shown in a low resolution. On the right-hand side, the same image is shown along with the value of every pixel. As this value rises, a brighter color...