Using the emulation platform for debugging the SoC test software
QEMU can be used as a virtual target to debug the software we built in Chapter 8, FPGA SoC Software Design Flow, for the ETS SoC project. Readers with experience of using Eclipse-based SDK debugging of embedded software running on a hardware target board will find it similar to using QEMU as a target debug environment in the Vitis IDE. To connect QEMU as a debug target, let’s go through the next steps:
- We need to configure or examine the Debug Configuration… option to use. Right-click on the Debug build under ETS_SoC_CA9 and click Debug | Debug Configuration….
Figure 9.14 – Accessing the Debug Configuration... menu in the Vitis IDE
- This will open the following window. Select Debugger_ETS_SoC_CA9-Emulation, tick the Emulation entry, and make sure that all the settings match the following screenshot:

Figure 9.15 –...