V.7 Deployment View
This view describes the operation of DokChess. As a Java program, it is relatively undemanding if you want to use it only on the command line. However, this is inconvenient and requires a physical chessboard with coordinates if the user cannot play blindfolded. Therefore, here is an explanation of how to configure DokChess in conjunction with a graphical frontend.
7.1 Windows Infrastructure
The following deployment diagram shows the use of DokChess on Windows without an opening book. Arena is used as an example frontend ( refer V 9.1, decision How does the engine communicate with the outside world?):
Figure 5.31: Deploying DokChess on a Windows PC
Software requirements on a PC are as folllows:
- Java Runtime Environment SE 7 (or higher).
- The JVM (javaw.exe) is in the path otherwise adapt dokchess.bat.
- Arena (http://www.playwitharena.de).
DokChess.jar contains the compiled Java source code of all the modules and all the necessary dependencies (Uber...