V.10 Quality Scenarios
The quality scenarios in this section depict the fundamental quality goals of DokChess as well as other required quality properties. They allow the evaluation of decision alternatives.
10.1 Utility Tree
The following diagram gives an overview of the relevant quality attributes and their associated scenarios:
Figure 5.42: Utility Tree
10.2 Evaluation Scenarios
The evaluation scenarios can be listed as follows:
- A person with basic knowledge of UML and chess looks for an introduction to the DokChess architecture. They get the idea of the solution strategy and the essential design within 15 minutes.
- An architect wishes to apply arc42 searches to a concrete example for an arbitrary section of the template. They find the relevant content immediately in the documentation.
- An experienced Java developer searches for the implementation of a module described in the design. They find it in the source code without detours or help from others.
- A developer...