We understood that when the Superset web server is started we can configure it for our runtime environment needs using the superset_config.py file. We looked at the configuration parameters that can make Superset secure and scalable to match optimal trade-offs.
SQL Lab provides an opportunity to experiment with result sets before plotting. It can be used as an excellent tool for exploring datasets and developing charts.
In this chapter, we replaced SQLite metadata with a PostgreSQL database and configured a web app to use it as the database. So that the web app can handle many concurrent users, we deployed it on a Gunicorn server:
- PostgreSQL metadata database
- Gunicorn
- HTTPS authorization
- Securing session data
- Redis caching system
- Celery for long-running queries
- Mapbox access token
Nicely done! We have been able to make dashboards, use SQL Lab, and understand the...