Hive first started with hiveserver1. However, this version of Hive server was not very stable. It sometimes suspended or blocked the client's connection quietly. Since v0.11.0, Hive has included a new thrift server called hivesever2 to replace hiveserver1. hiveserver2 has an enhanced server designed for multiple client concurrency and improved authentication. It also recommends using beeline as the major Hive command-line interface instead of the hive command. The primary difference between the two versions of servers is how the clients connect to them. hive is an Apache-Thrift-based client, and beeline is a JDBC client. The hive command directly connects to the Hive drivers, so we need to install the Hive library on the client. However, beeline connects to hiveserver2 through JDBC connections without installing Hive libraries on the client. That means...