TabMenu is a navigation/command component that displays the items as tab headers (that is, the parent root items are represented in the form of horizontal stacked tabs). On the click of each tab, you can perform all kinds of menu actions.
A basic tabbed menu example, which displays the PrimeNG website information in the form of various tabs, would be as follows:
<p-tabMenu [model]="items"></p-tabMenu>
The list of menu items need to be organized within a component class. For example, PrimeNG's various details are explained in different horizontal tabs using menu items as follows:
this.items = [
{label: 'Overview', icon: 'fa-bar-chart', routerLink:
{label: 'Showcase', icon: 'fa-calendar', command: (event) => {
this.msgs.length = 0;
this.msgs.push({severity: 'info', summary: 'PrimeNG Showcase',
detail:'Navigate all components...