85.11 Displaying Map Controls to the User
The Google Maps Android API provides a number of controls that may be optionally displayed to the user consisting of zoom in and out buttons, a “my location” button and a compass.
Whether or not the zoom and compass controls are displayed may be controlled either programmatically or within the map element in XML layout resources. In order to configure the controls programmatically, a reference to the UiSettings object associated with the GoogleMap object must be obtained:
val mapSettings = mMap.uiSettings
The zoom controls are enabled and disabled via the isZoomControlsEnabled property of the UiSettings object. For example:
mapSettings?.isZoomControlsEnabled = true
Alternatively, the map:uiZoomControls property may be set within the map element of the XML resource file:
The compass may be displayed either via a call to the setCompassEnabled() method of the UiSettings instance...