68.7 Creating the New Service
For the purposes of this example, a new class will be added to the project that will subclass from the Service class. Right-click, therefore, on the package name listed under app -> java in the Project tool window and select the New -> Service -> Service menu option. Create a new class named MyService with both the Exported and Enabled options selected.
The minimal requirement in order to create an operational service is to implement the onStartCommand() callback method which will be called when the service is starting up. In addition, the onBind() method must return a null value to indicate to the Android system that this is not a bound service. For the purposes of this example, the onStartCommand() method will loop 3 times sleeping for 10 seconds on each loop iteration. For the sake of completeness, stub versions of the onCreate() and onDestroy() methods will also be implemented in the new MyService.kt file as follows:
package com.ebookfrenzy...