54.5 Duplicating the Fragments
So far, the project contains one of the four required fragments. Instead of creating the remaining three fragments using the previous steps it would be quicker to duplicate the first fragment. Each fragment consists of a layout XML file and a Kotlin class file, each of which needs to be duplicated.
Right-click on the fragment_tab1.xml file in the Project tool window and select the Copy option from the resulting menu. Right-click on the layout entry, this time selecting the Paste option. In the resulting dialog, name the new layout file fragment_tab2.xml before clicking the OK button. Edit the new fragment_tab2.xml file and change the text on the Text View to “Tab 2 Fragment”, following the usual steps to extract the string to a resource named tab_2_fragment.
To duplicate the Tab1Fragment class file, right-click on the class listed under app -> java -> com.ebookfrenzy.tablayoutdemo and select Copy. Right-click on the com.ebookfrenzy...