This chapter has followed a long path inside Fastify’s internals to unveil the JSON schema’s power. Now you understand why defining a JSON Schema is a critical phase in your application setup. It can be a hard task, but data validation and a fast response are the two main reasons to do this.
We have looked at the JSON Schema specification’s basics and how to use it in our routes, adopting the default Fastify components. We did not step back to configure these components, and now you have seen the whole process, you can control them to reach your goals.
It has not been easy. The concepts in this chapter are the most misused by developers that use Fastify. You did a great job, and I hope the diagrams have helped you follow the logic behind the validation and the serialization.
This chapter is the last theoretical one: congratulations! In many chapter’s sections, we read concepts that were already discussed in the previous chapters. This is...