The Unity team announced guidelines to Ethical AI, last week, to promote more responsible use of Artificial Intelligence for its developers, community, and the company. Unity’s guide to Ethical AI comprises six guiding AI principles.
This principle focuses on designing AI tools in a way that complements the human experience in a positive way. To achieve this, it is important to take into consideration all types of diverse human experiences that can, in turn, lead to AI complementing experiences for everybody.
This principle puts an emphasis on keeping in mind the potential negative consequences, risks, and dangers of the AI tools while building them. It focuses on assessing the factors that might cause “direct or indirect harm” so that they can be avoided. This ensures accountability.
This principle focuses on ensuring that the kind of AI tools developed does not interfere with “normal, functioning democratic systems of government”. So, the development of an AI tool that can lead to the suppression of human rights (such as free expression), as defined by the Universal Declaration, should be avoided.
This principle stresses the importance of developing products responsibly. It ensures that AI developers don’t take undue advantage of the vast capabilities of AI while building a product.
This principle focuses on building trust among the users of a technology by being clear and transparent about the product so that they can better understand its purpose. This, in turn, will lead to users making better and more informed decisions regarding the product.
This principle emphasizes the importance of protecting the AI derived user data. “Guard the AI derived data as if it were handed to you by your customer directly in trust to only be used as directed under the other principles found in this guide” reads the Unity blog.
“We expect to develop these principles more fully and to add to them over time as our community of developers, regulators, and partners continue to debate best practices in advancing this new technology. With this guide, we are committed to implementing the ethical use of AI across all aspects of our company’s interactions, development, and creation”, says the Unity team.
For more information, check out the official Unity blog post.
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