"Finding a risk is learning, Ability to identify risk exposure is a skill and exploiting it is merely a choice"
In this article by Vijay Kumar Velu, the author of the book Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing - Second Edition, we will learn about vulnerability assessment.
The goal of passive and active reconnaissance is to identify the exploitable target and vulnerability assessment is to find the security flaws that are most likely to support the tester's or attacker's objective (denial of service, theft, or modification of data). The vulnerability assessment during the exploit phase of the kill chain focuses on creating the access to achieve the objective—mapping of the vulnerabilities to line up the exploits to maintain the persistent access to the target.
Thousands of exploitable vulnerabilities have been identified, and most are associated with at least one proof-of-concept code or technique to allow the system to be compromised. Nevertheless, the underlying principles that govern success are the same across networks, operating systems, and applications.
In this article, you will learn:
Vulnerability scanning employs automated processes and applications to identify vulnerabilities in a network, system, operating system, or application that may be exploitable.
When performed correctly, a vulnerability scan delivers an inventory of devices (both authorized and rogue devices); known vulnerabilities that have been actively scanned for, and usually a confirmation of how compliant the devices are with various policies and regulations.
Unfortunately, vulnerability scans are loud—they deliver multiple packets that are easily detected by most network controls and make stealth almost impossible to achieve. They also suffer from the following additional limitations:
There are multiple commercial and open source products that perform vulnerability scans.
Together, passive and active reconnaissance identifies the attack surface of the target, that is, the total number of points that can be assessed for vulnerabilities. A server with just an operating system installed can only be exploited if there are vulnerabilities in that particular operating system; however, the number of potential vulnerabilities increases with each application that is installed.
Penetration testers and attackers must find the particular exploits that will compromise known and suspected vulnerabilities. The first place to start the search is at vendor sites; most hardware and application vendors release information about vulnerabilities when they release patches and upgrades. If an exploit for a particular weakness is known, most vendors will highlight this to their customers. Although their intent is to allow customers to test for the presence of the vulnerability themselves, attackers and penetration testers will take advantage of this information as well.
Other online sites that collect, analyze, and share information about vulnerabilities are as follows:
The Exploit database is also copied locally to Kali and it can be found in the /usr/share/exploitdb directory. Before using it, make sure that it has been updated using the following command:
cd /usr/share/exploitdb
wget http://www.exploit-db.com/archive.tar.bz2
tar -xvjfarchive.tar.bz2
To search the local copy of exploitdb, open a Terminal window and enter searchsploit and the desired search term(s) in the Command Prompt. This will invoke a script that searches a database file (.csv) that contains a list of all exploits. The search will return a description of known vulnerabilities as well as the path to a relevant exploit. The exploit can be extracted, compiled, and run against specific vulnerabilities. Take a look at the following screenshot, which shows the description of the vulnerabilities:
The search script scans for each line in the CSV file from left to right, so the order of the search terms is important—a search for Oracle 10g will return several exploits, but 10g Oracle will not return any. Also, the script is weirdly case sensitive; although you are instructed to use lower case characters in the search term, a search for bulletproof FTP returns no hits, but bulletproof FTP returns seven hits, and bulletproof FTP returns no hits. More effective searches of the CSV file can be conducted using the grep command or a search tool such as KWrite (apt-get install kwrite).
A search of the local database may identify several possible exploits with a description and a path listing; however, these will have to be customized to your environment, and then compiled prior to use. Copy the exploit to the /tmp directory (the given path does not take into account that the /windows/remote directory resides in the /platforms directory).
Exploits presented as scripts such as Perl, Ruby, and PHP are relatively easy to implement. For example, if the target is a Microsoft II 6.0 server that may be vulnerable to a WebDAV remote authentication bypass, copy the exploit to the root directory and then execute as a standard Perl script, as shown in the following screenshot:
Many of the exploits are available as source code that must be compiled before use. For example, a search for RPC-specific vulnerabilities identifies several possible exploits. An excerpt is shown in the following screenshot:
The RPC DCOM vulnerability identified as 76.c is known from practice to be relatively stable. So we will use it as an example. To compile this exploit, copy it from the storage directory to the /tmp directory. In that location, compile it using GCC with the command as follows:
root@kali:~# gcc76.c -o 76.exe
This will use the GNU Compiler Collection application to compile 76.c to a file with the output (-o) name of 76.exe, as shown in the following screenshot:
When you invoke the application against the target, you must call the executable (which is not stored in the /tmp directory) using a symbolic link as follows:
root@kali:~# ./76.exe
The source code for this exploit is well documented and the required parameters are clear at the execution, as shown in the following screenshot:
Unfortunately, not all exploits from exploit database and other public sources compiled as readily as 76.c. There are several issues that make the use of such exploits problematic, even dangerous, for penetration testers listed as follows:
To ensure consistent results and create a community of coders who follow consistent practices, several exploit frameworks have been developed. The most popular exploitation framework is the Metasploit framework.
There are no security operating distributions without nmap, so far we have discussed how to utilize nmap during active reconnaissance, but attackers don't just use nmap to find open ports and services, but also engage the nmap to perform the vulnerability assessment. As of 10 March 2017, the latest version of nmap is 7.40 and it ships with 500+ NSE (nmap scripting engine) scripts, as shown in the following screenshot:
Penetration testers utilize nmap's most powerful and flexible features, which allows them to write their own scripts and also automate them to ease the exploitation. Primarily the NSE was developed for the following reasons:
Before firing the nmap to perform the vulnerability scan, penetration testers must update the nmap script db to see if there are any new scripts added to the database so that they don't miss the vulnerability identification:
nmap –script-updatedb
Running for all the scripts against the target host:
nmap-T4 -A -sV -v3 -d –oATargetoutput --script all --script-argsvulns.showalltarget.com
Light weight embeddable scripting language, which is built on top of the C programming language, was created in Brazil in 1993 and is still actively developed. It is a powerful and fast programming language mostly used in gaming applications and image processing. Complete source code, manual, plus binaries for some platforms do not go beyond 1.44 MB (which is less than a floppy disk). Some of the security tools that are developed in LUA are nmap, Wireshark, and Snort 3.0.
One of the reasons why LUA is chosen to be the scripting language in Information security is due to the compactness, no buffer overflows and format string vulnerabilities, and it can be interpreted.
LUA can be installed directly to Kali Linux by issuing the apt-get install lua5.1 command on the Terminal. The following code extract is the sample script to read the file and print the first line:
local file = io.open("/etc/passwd", "r")
contents = file:read()
print (contents)
LUA is similar to any other scripting such as bash and PERL scripting. The preceding script should produce the output as shown in the following screenshot:
In order to achieve maximum effectiveness, customization of scripts helps penetration testers in finding the right vulnerabilities within the given span of time. However, attackers do not have the time limit. The following code extract is a LUANSE script to identify a specific file location that we will search on the entire subnet using nmap:
local http=require 'http'
description = [[ This is my custom discovery on the network ]]
categories = {"safe","discovery"}
functionportrule(host, port)
returnport.number == 80
function action(host, port)
local response
response = http.get(host, port, "/test.txt")
ifresponse.status and response.status ~= 404
return "successful"
Save the file into the /usr/share/nmap/scripts/ folder. Finally, your script is ready to be tested as shown in the following screenshot; you must be able to run your own NSE script without any problems:
To completely understand the preceding NSE script here is the description of what is in the code:
local http: requires HTTP – calling the right library from the LUA, the line calls the HTTP script and made it a local request.
Description: Where testers/researchers can enter the description of the script.
Categories: This typically has two variables, where one declares whether it is safe or intrusive.