This article is an introduction to the syntax used in the TypeScript language to apply strong typing to JavaScript. It is intended for readers that have not used TypeScript before, and covers the transition from standard JavaScript to TypeScript. We will cover the following topics in this article:
Basic types and type syntax: strings, numbers, and booleans
Inferred typing and duck-typing
Arrays and enums
The any type and explicit casting
Functions and anonymous functions
Optional and default function parameters
Argument arrays
Function callbacks and function signatures
Function scoping rules and overloads
(For more resources related to this topic, see here.)
Basic types
JavaScript variables can hold a number of data types, including numbers, strings, arrays, objects, functions, and more. The type of an object in JavaScript is determined by its assignment–so if a variable has been assigned a string value, then it will be of type string. This can, however, introduce a number of problems in our code.
JavaScript is not strongly typed
JavaScript objects and variables can be changed or reassigned on the fly. As an example of this, consider the following JavaScript code:
var myString = "test";
var myNumber = 1;
var myBoolean = true;
We start by defining three variables, named myString, myNumber and myBoolean. The myString variable is set to a string value of "test", and as such will be of type string. Similarly, myNumber is set to the value of 1, and is therefore of type number, and myBoolean is set to true, making it of type boolean. Now let's start assigning these variables to each other, as follows:
myString = myNumber;
myBoolean = myString;
myNumber = myBoolean;
We start by setting the value of myString to the value of myNumber (which is the numeric value of 1). We then set the value of myBoolean to the value of myString, (which would now be the numeric value of 1). Finally, we set the value of myNumber to the value of myBoolean. What is happening here, is that even though we started out with three different types of variables—a string, a number, and a boolean—we are able to reassign any of these variables to one of the other types. We can assign a number to a string, a string to boolean, or a boolean to a number.
While this type of assignment in JavaScript is legal, it shows that the JavaScript language is not strongly typed. This can lead to unwanted behaviour in our code. Parts of our code may be relying on the fact that a particular variable is holding a string, and if we inadvertently assign a number to this variable, our code may start to break in unexpected ways.
TypeScript is strongly typed
TypeScript, on the other hand, is a strongly typed language. Once you have declared a variable to be of type string, you can only assign string values to it. All further code that uses this variable must treat it as though it has a type of string. This helps to ensure that code that we write will behave as expected. While strong typing may not seem to be of any use with simple strings and numbers—it certainly does become important when we apply the same rules to objects, groups of objects, function definitions and classes. If you have written a function that expects a string as the first parameter and a number as the second, you cannot be blamed, if someone calls your function with a boolean as the first parameter and something else as the second.
JavaScript programmers have always relied heavily on documentation to understand how to call functions, and the order and type of the correct function parameters. But what if we could take all of this documentation and include it within the IDE? Then, as we write our code, our compiler could point out to us—automatically—that we were using objects and functions in the wrong way. Surely this would make us more efficient, more productive programmers, allowing us to generating code with fewer errors?
TypeScript does exactly that. It introduces a very simple syntax to define the type of a variable or a function parameter to ensure that we are using these objects, variables, and functions in the correct manner. If we break any of these rules, the TypeScript compiler will automatically generate errors, pointing us to the lines of code that are in error.
This is how TypeScript got its name. It is JavaScript with strong typing - hence TypeScript. Let's take a look at this very simple language syntax that enables the "Type" in TypeScript.
Type syntax
The TypeScript syntax for declaring the type of a variable is to include a colon (:), after the variable name, and then indicate its type. Consider the following TypeScript code:
var myString : string = "test";
var myNumber: number = 1;
var myBoolean : boolean = true;
This code snippet is the TypeScript equivalent of our preceding JavaScript code. We can now see an example of the TypeScript syntax for declaring a type for the myString variable. By including a colon and then the keyword string (: string), we are telling the compiler that the myString variable is of type string. Similarly, the myNumber variable is of type number, and the myBoolean variable is of type boolean. TypeScript has introduced the string, number and boolean keywords for each of these basic JavaScript types.
If we attempt to assign a value to a variable that is not of the same type, the TypeScript compiler will generate a compile-time error. Given the variables declared in the preceding code, the following TypeScript code will generate some compile errors:
myString = myNumber;
myBoolean = myString;
myNumber = myBoolean;
TypeScript build errors when assigning incorrect types
The TypeScript compiler is generating compile errors, because we are attempting to mix these basic types. The first error is generated by the compiler because we cannot assign a number value to a variable of type string. Similarly, the second compile error indicates that we cannot assign a string value to a variable of type boolean. Again, the third error is generated because we cannot assign a boolean value to a variable of type number.
The strong typing syntax that the TypeScript language introduces, means that we need to ensure that the types on the left-hand side of an assignment operator (=) are the same as the types on the right-hand side of the assignment operator.
To fix the preceding TypeScript code, and remove the compile errors, we would need to do something similar to the following:
myString = myNumber.toString();
myBoolean = (myString === "test");
if (myBoolean) {
myNumber = 1;
Our first line of code has been changed to call the .toString() function on the myNumber variable (which is of type number), in order to return a value that is of type string. This line of code, then, does not generate a compile error because both sides of the equal sign are of the same type.
Our second line of code has also been changed so that the right hand side of the assignment operator returns the result of a comparison, myString === "test", which will return a value of type boolean. The compiler will therefore allow this code, because both sides of the assignment resolve to a value of type boolean.
The last line of our code snippet has been changed to only assign the value 1 (which is of type number) to the myNumber variable, if the value of the myBoolean variable is true.
Anders Hejlsberg describes this feature as "syntactic sugar". With a little sugar on top of comparable JavaScript code, TypeScript has enabled our code to conform to strong typing rules. Whenever you break these strong typing rules, the compiler will generate errors for your offending code.
Inferred typing
TypeScript also uses a technique called inferred typing, in cases where you do not explicitly specify the type of your variable. In other words, TypeScript will find the first usage of a variable within your code, figure out what type the variable is first initialized to, and then assume the same type for this variable in the rest of your code block. As an example of this, consider the following code:
var myString = "this is a string";
var myNumber = 1;
myNumber = myString;
We start by declaring a variable named myString, and assign a string value to it. TypeScript identifies that this variable has been assigned a value of type string, and will, therefore, infer any further usages of this variable to be of type string. Our second variable, named myNumber has a number assigned to it. Again, TypeScript is inferring the type of this variable to be of type number. If we then attempt to assign the myString variable (of type string) to the myNumber variable (of type number) in the last line of code, TypeScript will generate a familiar error message:
error TS2011: Build: Cannot convert 'string' to 'number'
This error is generated because of TypeScript's inferred typing rules.
TypeScript also uses a method called duck-typing for more complex variable types. Duck-typing means that if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. Consider the following TypeScript code:
var complexType = { name: "myName", id: 1 };
complexType = { id: 2, name: "anotherName" };
We start with a variable named complexType that has been assigned a simple JavaScript object with a name and id property. On our second line of code, we can see that we are re-assigning the value of this complexType variable to another object that also has an id and a name property. The compiler will use duck-typing in this instance to figure out whether this assignment is valid. In other words, if an object has the same set of properties as another object, then they are considered to be of the same type.
To further illustrate this point, let's see how the compiler reacts if we attempt to assign an object to our complexType variable that does not conform to this duck-typing:
var complexType = { name: "myName", id: 1 };
complexType = { id: 2 };
complexType = { name: "anotherName" };
complexType = { address: "address" };
The first line of this code snippet defines our complexType variable, and assigns to it an object that contains both an id and name property. From this point, TypeScript will use this inferred type on any value we attempt to assign to the complexType variable. On our second line of code, we are attempting to assign a value that has an id property but not the name property. On the third line of code, we again attempt to assign a value that has a name property, but does not have an id property. On the last line of our code snippet, we have completely missed the mark. Compiling this code will generate the following errors:
error TS2012: Build: Cannot convert '{ id: number; }' to '{ name: string; id: number; }':
error TS2012: Build: Cannot convert '{ name: string; }' to '{ name: string; id: number; }':
error TS2012: Build: Cannot convert '{ address: string; }' to '{ name: string; id: number; }':
As we can see from the error messages, TypeScript is using duck-typing to ensure type safety. In each message, the compiler gives us clues as to what is wrong with the offending code – by explicitly stating what it is expecting. The complexType variable has both an id and a name property. To assign a value to the complexType variable, then, this value will need to have both an id and a name property. Working through each of these errors, TypeScript is explicitly stating what is wrong with each line of code.
Note that the following code will not generate any error messages:
var complexType = { name: "myName", id: 1 };
complexType = { name: "name", id: 2, address: "address" };
Again, our first line of code defines the complexType variable, as we have seen previously, with an id and a name property. Now, look at the second line of this example. The object we are using actually has three properties: name, id, and address. Even though we have added a new address property, the compiler will only check to see if our new object has both an id and a name. Because our new object has these properties, and will therefore match the original type of the variable, TypeScript will allow this assignment through duck-typing.
Inferred typing and duck-typing are powerful features of the TypeScript language – bringing strong typing to our code, without the need to use explicit typing, that is, a colon : and then the type specifier syntax.
Besides the base JavaScript types of string, number, and boolean, TypeScript has two other data types: Arrays and enums. Let's look at the syntax for defining arrays.
An array is simply marked with the [] notation, similar to JavaScript, and each array can be strongly typed to hold a specific type as seen in the code below:
var arrayOfNumbers: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
arrayOfNumbers = [3, 4, 5];
arrayOfNumbers = ["one", "two", "three"];
On the first line of this code snippet, we are defining an array named arrayOfNumbers, and further specify that each element of this array must be of type number. The second line then reassigns this array to hold some different numerical values.
The last line of this snippet, however, will generate the following error message:
error TS2012: Build: Cannot convert 'string[]' to 'number[]':
This error message is warning us that the variable arrayOfNumbers is strongly typed to only accept values of type number. Our code tries to assign an array of strings to this array of numbers, and is therefore, generating a compile error.
The any type
All this type checking is well and good, but JavaScript is flexible enough to allow variables to be mixed and matched. The following code snippet is actually valid JavaScript code:
var item1 = { id: 1, name: "item 1" };
item1 = { id: 2 };
Our first line of code assigns an object with an id property and a name property to the variable item1. The second line then re-assigns this variable to an object that has an id property but not a name property. Unfortunately, as we have seen previously, TypeScript will generate a compile time error for the preceding code:
error TS2012: Build: Cannot convert '{ id: number; }' to '{ id: number; name: string; }'
TypeScript introduces the any type for such occasions. Specifying that an object has a type of any in essence relaxes the compiler's strict type checking. The following code shows how to use the any type:
var item1 : any = { id: 1, name: "item 1" };
item1 = { id: 2 };
Note how our first line of code has changed. We specify the type of the variable item1 to be of type : any so that our code will compile without errors. Without the type specifier of : any, the second line of code, would normally generate an error.
Explicit casting
As with any strongly typed language, there comes a time where you need to explicitly specify the type of an object. An object can be cast to the type of another by using the < > syntax.
This is not a cast in the strictest sense of the word; it is more of an assertion that is used at runtime by the TypeScript compiler. Any explicit casting that you use will be compiled away in the resultant JavaScript and will not affect the code at runtime.
Let's modify our previous code snippet to use explicit casting:
var item1 = <any>{ id: 1, name: "item 1" };
item1 = { id: 2 };
Note that on the first line of this snippet, we have now replaced the : any type specifier on the left hand side of the assignment, with an explicit cast of <any> on the right hand side. This snippet of code is telling the compiler to explicitly cast, or to explicitly treat the { id: 1, name: "item 1" } object on the right-hand side as a type of any. So the item1 variable, therefore, also has the type of any (due to TypeScript's inferred typing rules). This then allows us to assign an object with only the { id: 2 } property to the variable item1 on the second line of code. This technique of using the < > syntax on the right hand side of an assignment, is called explicit casting.
While the any type is a necessary feature of the TypeScript language – its usage should really be limited as much as possible. It is a language shortcut that is necessary to ensure compatibility with JavaScript, but over-use of the any type will quickly lead to coding errors that will be difficult to find. Rather than using the type any, try to figure out the correct type of the object you are using, and then use this type instead. We use an acronym within our programming teams: S.F.I.A.T. (pronounced sviat or sveat). Simply Find an Interface for the Any Type. While this may sound silly – it brings home the point that the any type should always be replaced with an interface – so simply find it. Just remember that by actively trying to define what an object's type should be, we are building strongly typed code, and therefore protecting ourselves from future coding errors and bugs.
Enums are a special type that has been borrowed from other languages such as C#, and provide a solution to the problem of special numbers. An enum associates a human-readable name for a specific number. Consider the following code:
enum DoorState {
In this code snippet, we have defined an enum called DoorState to represent the state of a door. Valid values for this door state are Open, Closed, or Ajar. Under the hood (in the generated JavaScript), TypeScript will assign a numeric value to each of these human-readable enum values. In this example, the DoorState.Open enum value will equate to a numeric value of 0. Likewise, the enum value DoorState.Closed will be equate to the numeric value of 1, and the DoorState.Ajar enum value will equate to 2. Let's have a quick look at how we would use these enum values:
window.onload = () => {
var myDoor = DoorState.Open;
console.log("My door state is " + myDoor.toString());
The first line within the window.onload function creates a variable named myDoor, and sets its value to DoorState.Open. The second line simply logs the value of myDoor to the console. The output of this console.log function would be:
My door state is 0
This clearly shows that the TypeScript compiler has substituted the enum value of DoorState.Open with the numeric value 0. Now let's use this enum in a slightly different way:
window.onload = () => {
var openDoor = DoorState["Closed"];
console.log("My door state is " + openDoor.toString());
This code snippet uses a string value of "Closed" to lookup the enum type, and assign the resulting enum value to the openDoor variable. The output of this code would be:
My door state is 1
This sample clearly shows that the enum value of DoorState.Closed is the same as the enum value of DoorState["Closed"], because both variants resolve to the numeric value of 1. Finally, let's have a look at what happens when we reference an enum using an array type syntax:
window.onload = () => {
var ajarDoor = DoorState[2];
console.log("My door state is " + ajarDoor.toString());
Here, we assign the variable openDoor to an enum value based on the 2nd index value of the DoorState enum. The output of this code, though, is surprising:
My door state is Ajar
You may have been expecting the output to be simply 2, but here we are getting the string "Ajar" – which is a string representation of our original enum name. This is actually a neat little trick – allowing us to access a string representation of our enum value. The reason that this is possible is down to the JavaScript that has been generated by the TypeScript compiler. Let's have a look, then, at the closure that the TypeScript compiler has generated:
var DoorState;
(function (DoorState) {
DoorState[DoorState["Open"] = 0] = "Open";
DoorState[DoorState["Closed"] = 1] = "Closed";
DoorState[DoorState["Ajar"] = 2] = "Ajar";
})(DoorState || (DoorState = {}));
This strange looking syntax is building an object that has a specific internal structure. It is this internal structure that allows us to use this enum in the various ways that we have just explored. If we interrogate this structure while debugging our JavaScript, we will see the internal structure of the DoorState object is as follows:
[prototype]: {...}
[0]: "Open"
[1]: "Closed"
[2]: "Ajar"
[prototype]: []
Ajar: 2
Closed: 1
Open: 0
The DoorState object has a property called "0", which has a string value of "Open". Unfortunately, in JavaScript the number 0 is not a valid property name, so we cannot access this property by simply using DoorState.0. Instead, we must access this property using either DoorState[0] or DoorState["0"]. The DoorState object also has a property named Open, which is set to the numeric value 0. The word Open IS a valid property name in JavaScript, so we can access this property using DoorState["Open"], or simply DoorState.Open, which equate to the same property in JavaScript.
While the underlying JavaScript can be a little confusing, all we need to remember about enums is that they are a handy way of defining an easily remembered, human-readable name to a special number. Using human-readable enums, instead of just scattering various special numbers around in our code, also makes the intent of the code clearer. Using an application wide value named DoorState.Open or DoorState.Closed is far simpler than remembering to set a value to 0 for Open, 1 for Closed, and 3 for ajar. As well as making our code more readable, and more maintainable, using enums also protects our code base whenever these special numeric values change – because they are all defined in one place.
One last note on enums – we can set the numeric value manually, if needs be:
enum DoorState {
Open = 3,
Closed = 7,
Ajar = 10
Here, we have overridden the default values of the enum to set DoorState.Open to 3, DoorState.Closed to 7, and DoorState.Ajar to 10.
Const enums
With the release of TypeScript 1.4, we are also able to define const enums as follows:
const enum DoorStateConst {
var myState = DoorStateConst.Open;
These types of enums have been introduced largely for performance reasons, and the resultant JavaScript will not contain the full closure definition for the DoorStateConst enum as we saw previously. Let's have a quick look at the JavaScript that is generated from this DoorStateConst enum:
var myState = 0 /* Open */;
Note how we do not have a full JavaScript closure for the DoorStateConst at all. The compiler has simply resolved the DoorStateConst.Open enum to its internal value of 0, and removed the const enum definition entirely.
With const enums, we therefore cannot reference the internal string value of an enum, as we did in our previous code sample. Consider the following example:
// generates an error
// valid usage
The first console.log statement will now generate a compile time error – as we do not have the full closure available with the property of [0] for our const enum. The second usage of this const enum is valid, however, and will generate the following JavaScript:
console.log(0 /* "Open" */);
When using const enums, just keep in mind that the compiler will strip away all enum definitions and simply substitute the numeric value of the enum directly into our JavaScript code.
JavaScript defines functions using the function keyword, a set of braces, and then a set of curly braces. A typical JavaScript function would be written as follows:
function addNumbers(a, b) {
return a + b;
var result = addNumbers(1, 2);
var result2 = addNumbers("1", "2");
This code snippet is fairly self-explanatory; we have defined a function named addNumbers that takes two variables and returns their sum. We then invoke this function, passing in the values of 1 and 2. The value of the variable result would then be 1 + 2, which is 3. Now have a look at the last line of code. Here, we are invoking the addNumbers function, passing in two strings as arguments, instead of numbers. The value of the variable result2 would then be a string, "12". This string value seems like it may not be the desired result, as the name of the function is addNumbers.
Copying the preceding code into a TypeScript file would not generate any errors, but let's insert some type rules to the preceding JavaScript to make it more robust:
function addNumbers(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;
var result = addNumbers(1, 2);
var result2 = addNumbers("1", "2");
In this TypeScript code, we have added a :number type to both of the parameters of the addNumbers function (a and b), and we have also added a :number type just after the ( ) braces. Placing a type descriptor here means that the return type of the function itself is strongly typed to return a value of type number. In TypeScript, the last line of code, however, will cause a compilation error:
error TS2082: Build: Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target:
This error message is generate because we have explicitly stated that the function should accept only numbers for both of the arguments a and b, but in our offending code, we are passing two strings. The TypeScript compiler, therefore, cannot match the signature of a function named addNumbers that accepts two arguments of type string.
Anonymous functions
The JavaScript language also has the concept of anonymous functions. These are functions that are defined on the fly and don't specify a function name. Consider the following JavaScript code:
var addVar = function(a, b) {
return a + b;
var result = addVar(1, 2);
This code snippet defines a function that has no name and adds two values. Because the function does not have a name, it is known as an anonymous function. This anonymous function is then assigned to a variable named addVar. The addVar variable, then, can then be invoked as a function with two parameters, and the return value will be the result of executing the anonymous function. In this case, the variable result will have a value of 3.
Let's now rewrite the preceding JavaScript function in TypeScript, and add some type syntax, in order to ensure that the function only accepts two arguments of type number, and returns a value of type number:
var addVar = function(a: number, b: number): number {
return a + b;
var result = addVar(1, 2);
var result2 = addVar("1", "2");
In this code snippet, we have created an anonymous function that accepts only arguments of type number for the parameters a and b, and also returns a value of type number. The types for both the a and b parameters, as well as the return type of the function, are now using the :number syntax. This is another example of the simple "syntactic sugar" that TypeScript injects into the language. If we compile this code, TypeScript will reject the code on the last line, where we try to call our anonymous function with two string parameters:
error TS2082: Build: Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target:
Optional parameters
When we call a JavaScript function that has is expecting parameters, and we do not supply these parameters, then the value of the parameter within the function will be undefined. As an example of this, consider the following JavaScript code:
var concatStrings = function(a, b, c) {
return a + b + c;
console.log(concatStrings("a", "b", "c"));
console.log(concatStrings("a", "b"));
Here, we have defined a function called concatStrings that takes three parameters, a, b, and c, and simply returns the sum of these values. If we call this function with all three parameters, as seen in the second last line of this snipped, we will end up with the string "abc" logged to the console. If, however, we only supply two parameters, as seen in the last line of this snippet, the string "abundefined" will be logged to the console. Again, if we call a function and do not supply a parameter, then this parameter, c in our case, will be simply undefined.
TypeScript introduces the question mark ? syntax to indicate optional parameters. Consider the following TypeScript function definition:
var concatStrings = function(a: string, b: string, c?: string) {
return a + b + c;
console.log(concatStrings("a", "b", "c"));
console.log(concatStrings("a", "b"));
This is a strongly typed version of the original concatStrings JavaScript function that we were using previously. Note the addition of the ? character in the syntax for the third parameter: c?: string. This indicates that the third parameter is optional, and therefore, all of the preceding code will compile cleanly, except for the last line. The last line will generate an error:
error TS2081: Build: Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target.
This error is generated because we are attempting to call the concatStrings function with only a single parameter. Our function definition, though, requires at least two parameters, with only the third parameter being optional.
The optional parameters must be the last parameters in the function definition. You can have as many optional parameters as you want, as long as non-optional parameters precede the optional parameters.
Default parameters
A subtle variant on the optional parameter function definition, allows us to specify the value of a parameter if it is not passed in as an argument from the calling code. Let's modify our preceding function definition to use an optional parameter:
var concatStrings = function(a: string, b: string, c: string = "c") {
return a + b + c;
console.log(concatStrings("a", "b", "c"));
console.log(concatStrings("a", "b"));
This function definition has now dropped the ? optional parameter syntax, but instead has assigned a value of "c" to the last parameter: c:string = "c". By using default parameters, if we do not supply a value for the final parameter named c, the concatStrings function will substitute the default value of "c" instead. The argument c, therefore, will not be undefined. The output of the last two lines of code will both be "abc".
Note that using the default parameter syntax will automatically make the parameter optional.
The arguments variable
The JavaScript language allows a function to be called with a variable number of arguments. Every JavaScript function has access to a special variable, named arguments, that can be used to retrieve all arguments that have been passed into the function. As an example of this, consider the following JavaScript code:
function testParams() {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
console.log("Argument " + i + " = " + arguments[i]);
testParams(1, 2, 3, 4);
testParams("first argument");
In this code snippet, we have defined a function name testParams that does not have any named parameters. Note, though, that we can use the special variable, named arguments, to test whether the function was called with any arguments. In our sample, we can simply loop through the arguments array, and log the value of each argument to the console, by using an array indexer : arguments[i]. The output of the console.log calls are as follows:
Argument 0 = 1
Argument 1 = 2
Argument 2 = 3
Argument 3 = 4
Argument 0 = first argument
So, how do we express a variable number of function parameters in TypeScript? The answer is to use what are called rest parameters, or the three dots (…) syntax. Here is the equivalent testParams function, expressed in TypeScript:
function testParams(...argArray: number[]) {
if (argArray.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < argArray.length; i++) {
console.log("argArray " + i + " = " + argArray[i]);
console.log("arguments " + i + " = " + arguments[i]);
testParams(1, 2, 3, 4);
testParams("one", "two");
Note the use of the …argArray: number[] syntax for our testParams function. This syntax is telling the TypeScript compiler that the function can accept any number of arguments. This means that our usages of this function, i.e. calling the function with either testParams(1) or testParams(1,2,3,4), will both compile correctly. In this version of the testParams function, we have added two console.log lines, just to show that the arguments array can be accessed by either the named rest parameter, argArray[i], or through the normal JavaScript array, arguments[i].
The last line in this sample will, however, generate a compile error, as we have defined the rest parameter to only accept numbers, and we are attempting to call the function with strings.
The the subtle difference between using argArray and arguments is the inferred type of the argument. Since we have explicitly specified that argArray is of type number, TypeScript will treat any item of the argArray array as a number. However, the internal arguments array does not have an inferred type, and so will be treated as the any type.
We can also combine normal parameters along with rest parameters in a function definition, as long as the rest parameters are the last to be defined in the parameter list, as follows:
function testParamsTs2(arg1: string,
arg2: number, ...ArgArray: number[]) {
Here, we have two normal parameters named arg1 and arg2 and then an argArray rest parameter. Mistakenly placing the rest parameter at the beginning of the parameter list will generate a compile error.
Function callbacks
One of the most powerful features of JavaScript–and in fact the technology that Node was built on–is the concept of callback functions. A callback function is a function that is passed into another function. Remember that JavaScript is not strongly typed, so a variable can also be a function. This is best illustrated by having a look at some JavaScript code:
function myCallBack(text) {
console.log("inside myCallback " + text);
function callingFunction(initialText, callback) {
console.log("inside CallingFunction");
callingFunction("myText", myCallBack);
Here, we have a function named myCallBack that takes a parameter and logs its value to the console. We then define a function named callingFunction that takes two parameters: initialText and callback. The first line of this funciton simply logs "inside CallingFunction" to the console. The second line of the callingFunction is the interesting bit. It assumes that the callback argument is in fact a function, and invokes it. It also passes the initialText variable to the callback function. If we run this code, we will get two messages logged to the console, as follows:
inside CallingFunction
inside myCallback myText
But what happens if we do not pass a function as a callback? There is nothing in the preceding code that signals to us that the second parameter of callingFunction must be a function. If we inadvertently called the callingFunction function with a string, instead of a function as the second parameter as follows:
callingFunction("myText", "this is not a function");
We would get a JavaScript runtime error:
0x800a138a - JavaScript runtime error: Function expected
Defensive minded programmers, however, would first check whether the callback parameter was in fact a function before invoking it, as follows:
function callingFunction(initialText, callback) {
console.log("inside CallingFunction");
if (typeof callback === "function") {
} else {
console.log(callback + " is not a function");
callingFunction("myText", "this is not a function");
Note the third line of this code snippet, where we check the type of the callback variable before invoking it. If it is not a function, we then log a message to the console. On the last line of this snippet, we are executing the callingFunction, but this time passing a string as the second parameter.
The output of the code snipped would be:
inside CallingFunction
this is not a function is not a function
When using function callbacks, then, JavaScript programmers need to do two things; firstly, understand which parameters are in fact callbacks and secondly, code around the invalid use of callback functions.
Function signatures
The TypeScript "syntactic sugar" that enforces strong typing, is not only intended for variables and types, but for function signatures as well. What if we could document our JavaScript callback functions in code, and then warn users of our code when they are passing the wrong type of parameter to our functions ?
TypeScript does this through function signatures. A function signature introduces a fat arrow syntax, () =>, to define what the function should look like. Let's re-write the preceding JavaScript sample in TypeScript:
function myCallBack(text: string) {
console.log("inside myCallback " + text);
function callingFunction(initialText: string,
callback: (text: string) => void)
callingFunction("myText", myCallBack);
callingFunction("myText", "this is not a function");
Our first function definition, myCallBack now strongly types the text parameter to be of type string. Our callingFunction function has two parameters; initialText, which is of type string, and callback, which now has the new function signature syntax. Let's look at this function signature more closely:
callback: (text: string) => void
What this function definition is saying, is that the callback argument is typed (by the : syntax) to be a function, using the fat arrow syntax () =>. Additionally, this function takes a parameter named text that is of type string. To the right of the fat arrow syntax, we can see a new TypeScript basic type, called void. Void is a keyword to denote that a function does not return a value.
So, the callingFunction function will only accept, as its second argument, a function that takes a single string parameter and returns nothing. Compiling the preceding code will correctly highlight an error in the last line of the code snippet, where we passing a string as the second parameter, instead of a callback function:
error TS2082: Build: Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target:
Type '(text: string) => void' requires a call signature, but type 'String' lacks one
Given the preceding function signature for the callback function, the following code would also generate compile time errors:
function myCallBackNumber(arg1: number) {
console.log("arg1 = " + arg1);
callingFunction("myText", myCallBackNumber);
Here, we are defining a function named myCallBackNumber, that takes a number as its only parameter. When we attempt to compile this code, we will get an error message indicating that the callback parameter, which is our myCallBackNumber function, also does not have the correct function signature:
Call signatures of types 'typeof myCallBackNumber' and '(text: string) => void' are incompatible.
The function signature of myCallBackNumber would actually be (arg1:number) => void, instead of the required (text: string) => void, hence the error.
In function signatures, the parameter name (arg1 or text) does not need to be the same. Only the number of parameters, their types, and the return type of the function need to be the same.
This is a very powerful feature of TypeScript — defining in code what the signatures of functions should be, and warning users when they do not call a function with the correct parameters. As we saw in our introduction to TypeScript, this is most significant when we are working with third-party libraries. Before we are able to use third-party functions, classes, or objects in TypeScript, we need to define what their function signatures are. These function definitions are put into a special type of TypeScript file, called a declaration file, and saved with a .d.ts extension.
Function callbacks and scope
JavaScript uses lexical scoping rules to define the valid scope of a variable. This means that the value of a variable is defined by its location within the source code. Nested functions have access to variables that are defined in their parent scope. As an example of this, consider the following TypeScript code:
function testScope() {
var testVariable = "myTestVariable";
function print() {
This code snippet defines a function named testScope. The variable testVariable is defined within this function. The print function is a child function of testScope, so it has access to the testVariable variable. The last line of the code, however, will generate a compile error, because it is attempting to use the variabletestVariable, which is lexically scoped to be valid only inside the body of the testScope function:
error TS2095: Build: Could not find symbol 'testVariable'.
Simple, right? A nested function has access to variables depending on its location within the source code. This is all well and good, but in large JavaScript projects, there are many different files and many areas of the code are designed to be re-usable.
Let's take a look at how these scoping rules can become a problem. For this sample, we will use a typical callback scenario—using jQuery to execute an asynchronous call to fetch some data. Consider the following TypeScript code:
var testVariable = "testValue";
function getData() {
var testVariable_2 = "testValue_2";
url: "/sample_json.json"
success: (data, status, jqXhr) => {
console.log("success : testVariable is "
+ testVariable);
console.log("success : testVariable_2 is"
+ testVariable_2);
error: (message, status, stack) => {
alert("error " + message);
In this code snippet, we are defining a variable named testVariable and setting its value. We then define a function called getData. The getData function sets another variable called testVariable_2, and then calls the jQuery $.ajax function. The $.ajax function is configured with three properties: url, success, and error. The url property is a simple string that points to a sample_json.json file in our project directory. The success property is an anonymous function callback, that simply logs the values of testVariable and testVariable_2 to the console. Finally, the error property is also an anonymous function callback, that simply pops up an alert.
This code runs as expected, and the success function will log the following results to the console:
success : testVariable is :testValue
success : testVariable_2 is :testValue_2
So far so good. Now, let's assume that we are trying to refactor the preceding code, as we are doing quite a few similar $.ajax calls, and want to reuse the success callback function elsewhere. We can easily switch out this anonymous function, and create a named function for our success callback, as follows:
var testVariable = "testValue";
function getData() {
var testVariable_2 = "testValue_2";
url: "/sample_json.json",
success: successCallback,
error: (message, status, stack) => {
alert("error " + message);
function successCallback(data, status, jqXhr) {
console.log("success : testVariable is :" + testVariable);
console.log("success : testVariable_2 is :" + testVariable_2);
In this sample, we have created a new function named successCallback with the same parameters as our previous anonymous function. We have also modified the $.ajax call to simply pass this function in, as a callback function for the success property: success: successCallback. If we were to compile this code now, TypeScript would generate an error, as follows:
error TS2095: Build: Could not find symbol ''testVariable_2''.
Since we have changed the lexical scope of our code, by creating a named function, the new successCallback function no longer has access the variable testVariable_2.
It is fairly easy to spot this sort of error in a trivial example, but in larger projects, and when using third-party libraries, these sorts of errors become more difficult to track down. It is, therefore, worth mentioning that when using callback functions, we need to understand this lexical scope. If your code expects a property to have a value, and it does not have one after a callback, then remember to have a look at the context of the calling code.
Function overloads
As JavaScript is a dynamic language, we can often call the same function with different argument types. Consider the following JavaScript code:
function add(x, y) {
return x + y;
console.log("add(1,1)=" + add(1,1));
console.log("add(''1'',''1'')=" + add("1", "1"));
console.log("add(true,false)=" + add(true, false));
Here, we are defining a simple add function that returns the sum of its two parameters, x and y. The last three lines of this code snippet simply log the result of the add function with different types: two numbers, two strings, and two boolean values. If we run this code, we will see the following output:
TypeScript introduces a specific syntax to indicate multiple function signatures for the same function. If we were to replicate the preceding code in TypeScript, we would need to use the function overload syntax:
function add(arg1: string, arg2: string): string;
function add(arg1: number, arg2: number): number;
function add(arg1: boolean, arg2: boolean): boolean;
function add(arg1: any, arg2: any): any {
return arg1 + arg2;
console.log("add(1,1)=" + add(1, 1));
console.log("add(''1'',''1'')=" + add("1", "1"));
console.log("add(true,false)=" + add(true, false));
The first line of this code snippet specifies a function overload signature for the add function that accepts two strings and returns a string. The second line specifies another function overload that uses numbers, and the third line uses booleans. The fourth line contains the actual body of the function and uses the type specifier of any. The last three lines of this snippet show how we would use these function signatures, and are similar to the JavaScript code that we have been using previously.
There are three points of interest in the preceding code snippet. Firstly, none of the function signatures on the first three lines of the snippet actually have a function body. Secondly, the final function definition uses the type specifier of any and eventually includes the function body. The function overload syntax must follow this structure, and the final function signature, that includes the body of the function must use the any type specifier, as anything else will generate compile-time errors.
The third point to note, is that we are limiting the add function, by using these function overload signatures, to only accept two parameters that are of the same type. If we were to try and mix our types; for example, if we call the function with a boolean and a string, as follows:
console.log("add(true,''1'')", add(true, "1"));
TypeScript would generate compile errors:
error TS2082: Build: Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target:
error TS2087: Build: Could not select overload for ''call'' expression.
This seems to contradict our final function definition though. In the original TypeScript sample, we had a function signature that accepted (arg1: any, arg2: any); so, in theory, this should be called when we try to add a boolean and a number. The TypeScript syntax for function overloads, however, does not allow this. Remember that the function overload syntax must include the use of the any type for the function body, as all overloads eventually call this function body. However, the inclusion of the function overloads above the function body indicates to the compiler that these are the only signatures that should be available to the calling code.
To learn more about TypeScript, the following books published by Packt Publishing ( are recommended:
Learning TypeScript (
TypeScript Essentials (
Resources for Article:
Further resources on this subject:
Introduction to TypeScript[article]
Writing SOLID JavaScript code with TypeScript[article]
JavaScript Execution with Selenium[article]
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