Setting up product variants
Another nice feature that comes with the e-commerce application is the ability to create product variants. This is a particularly important feature for the business case we have been using throughout the book. Product variants allow you to offer different options for the same product. For example, a t-shirt and most other apparel products will often come in various sizes and colors. A computer company might offer a product with different memory options.
To create product variants, we need to navigate to the product we wish to create the variants for. Let's create variants for Class of 2014 T-shirt.
After you are out of the edit mode in the Website Builder, choose Sales from the website's menu in the top-left corner of your screen. Then, choose products and bring up Class of 2014 T-Shirt.
Choose the Variants page and you will see the grid where we will be adding in the variants.

Notice that on the right, there is a separate button to bring up List of...