By Thaya Kareeson (http://zemanta.com)
Why it's awesome: Zemanta makes it a snap to have posts with relevant imagery and links
Why it was picked: Auto linking content, creative common images, and related posts from all over the net

Manual Install URL: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/zemanta/
Automatic Install search term: Zemanta
Geek level: Webmaster
Configuration location: Plugins | Zemanta Configuration
Used in: Posts
Zemanta is an awesome plugin that helps you automatically find helpful links, photos, and other online sources that relate directly to the post you're writing. Once installed, you will see a new side-panel when you create or edit a post or page. Once you start typing in the body of your post, Zemanta will automatically scour the web looking for photos and other blog posts that cover similar items.
To use Zemanta, simply start writing a new blog post. Beneath the post, you will find a panel called "IN-TEXT LINKS". As you write, specific keywords will be listed...