Bloggers and zines
To understand security in depth, you must know the hacker's mindset, so let's meet some. The personas of these folks and communities span a wide spectrum of the security character. All understand what it is to be black hat. Thankfully, they are snow white. What's more, what protection we have, largely, we owe to them ... so bless their cottons.
2600: The Hacker Quarterly
Old-school hackers meet tomorrow's challenges in 2600, a cult journal incorporating features, the Off The Hook radio show presented by 2600's Eric "Emmanuel Goldstein" Corley and, just for the hell of it, pictures of payphones from around the planet:
To stay abreast of the online threat-look, Robert Auger's site and feed is a good call:
Don't Learn to Hack - Hack to Learn is the deal with Gareth Davies' WordPress-powered security stage, a splendid, amenable blog with something for everyone reading this:
Dark Reading
A collaborative site with cracking features, a rack of resources, and category-based feeds:
Robert "RSnake" Hansen hacked his life and no longer posts to his cult security in-depth site, but his sardonic humor lives on with an archive that's well worth a trawl:
Less hacker and more hack, Brian Krebbs news site is ideal if you don't dream in binary:
Jeremiah Grossman
Guru-on-a-rocket Mr Grossman's accessible prose conveniently translates geek to sleek:
Phrack Magazine
Punching since 1985, Phrack takes pulsing topics, cracks them right open, and swallows the kernel whole. Heady stuff, but best of breed: