The design of a WebRTC client
A design is usually the activity planned in the first stages of SDLC; later, it's followed by development and testing (this is described later in the chapter).
Unified Modeling Diagrams (UMLs) aid in the design process by creating an abstract view of the system. UML diagrams can be used to do the following:
Visually represent a system/project
Communicate one idea or model to other parties
Using specific tools (UML diagrams can also be used) to generate code directly
There are various kinds of modeling diagrams in UML such as Class diagram, ER diagram, Use case diagrams, and others. They give a graphical overview of the project that is about to begin. This section presents some critical design diagrams for WebRTC client web project.
The Class diagram
A Class diagram is used to visualize the overall structure of data organization in the Data Tier. The main classes used in the WebRTC client project are:
: This class contains the main field for user identification...