Cynefin Framework
Finally, I would like to briefly present the Cynefin framework by Dave Snowden (David J. Snowden, Mary E. Boone. A Leader's Framework for Decision Making. Harvard Business Review. November 2007). It is a clear and concise model that describes the complex, complicated, chaos, simple, and disorder domains.
The idea of the Cynefin framework is to provide a tool for decision makers to see things from different viewpoints.
Figure 4.2 depicts the Cynefin framework with its five domains: simple, complicated, complex, chaotic, and disorder:
Figure 4.2: Cynefin framework
The simple domain hosts the "known knowns," that is, things that we know that we know. The reaction to events in the simple domain is to determine the facts ("sense"), to categorize them, and finally, to act based on the rules or best practices of that category.
An example is a support request by a customer. First, you collect all the available information, and then you categorize...