Composition Plots
Composition plots are ideal if you think about something as a part of a whole. For static data, you can use pie charts, stacked bar charts, or Venn diagrams. Pie charts or donut charts help show proportions and percentages for groups. If you need an additional dimension, stacked bar charts are great. Venn diagrams are the best way to visualize overlapping groups, where each group is represented by a circle. For data that changes over time, you can use either stacked bar charts or stacked area charts.
Pie Chart
Pie charts illustrate numerical proportions by dividing a circle into slices. Each arc length represents a proportion of a category. The full circle equates to 100%. For humans, it is easier to compare bars than arc lengths; therefore, it is recommended to use bar charts or stacked bar charts the majority of the time.
To compare items that are part of a whole.
The following diagram shows household water usage around the world: