Understanding the Business Context
The business head of the bank for which you are working as a data scientist recently raised the alarm about the results of the term deposit propensity model that you built in Chapter 3, Binary Classification. It has been observed that a large proportion of customers who were identified as potential cases for targeted marketing for term deposits have turned down the offer. This has made a big dent in the sales team's metrics on upselling and cross-selling. The business team urgently requires your help in fixing the issue to meet the required sales targets for the quarter. Don't worry, though – this is the problem that we will be solving later in this chapter.
First, we begin with an analysis of the issue.
Exercise 13.01: Benchmarking the Logistic Regression Model on the Dataset
In this exercise, we will be analyzing the problem of predicting whether a customer will buy a term deposit. For this, you will be fitting a logistic...