Time for action – debugging HTTP requests
debug_options ALL,1 11,5
We need to reconfigure or restart the Squid server after modifying the Squid configuration file. Now, if we try to browse www.example.com
using our proxy server, then we'll notice an output similar to the following, in our cache.log
file. Please note that we have removed the timestamp from the following log messages for a clearer view:
httpStart: "GET http://www.example.com/" http.cc(86) HttpStateData: HttpStateData 0x8fc4318 created httpSendRequest: FD 14, request 0x8f73678, this 0x8fc4318. The AsyncCall HttpStateData::httpTimeout constructed, this=0x8daead0 [call315] The AsyncCall HttpStateData::readReply constructed, this=0x8daf0c8 [call316] The AsyncCall HttpStateData::SendComplete constructed, this=0x8daf120 [call317] httpBuildRequestHeader: Host: example.com httpBuildRequestHeader: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100403 Fedora/3.6.3-4.fc13 Firefox/3.6.3 GTB7.1 httpBuildRequestHeader...