- A/B testing / Bayesian Bernoulli bandits
- accuracy / Key quality metrics
- versus model fitness / Model fitness
- action-value iterative update / Action-value iterative update
- activation convolution neural network / Convolution layers
- activation function / Activation function
- Actors
- scalability / Scalability with Actors
- adaptive modeling / Model categorization
- aggregation effect / Tuning the number of clusters
- Akka / Scala as a scalable language
- Akka framework
- about / Akka
- URL, for downloading / Akka
- master-workers design / Master-workers
- futures / Futures
- AlgeBird
- reference link / Algebraic and numerical libraries
- Algebird / Other libraries and frameworks
- algebraic libraries
- about / Algebraic and numerical libraries
- alpha (forward pass) / Alpha (forward pass)
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) / Challenging model complexity
- anomaly / Anomaly detection...