Indexing techniques help us to select and filter elements from a NumPy array. In this section, we will focus on Boolean and fancy indexing. Boolean indexing uses a Boolean expression in the place of indexes (in square brackets) to filter the NumPy array. This indexing returns elements that have a true value for the Boolean expression:
# Create NumPy Array
arr = np.arange(21,41,2)
print("Orignial Array:\n",arr)
# Boolean Indexing
print("After Boolean Condition:",arr[arr>30])
Orignial Array:
[21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39]
After Boolean Condition: [31 33 35 37 39]
Fancy indexing is a special type of indexing in which elements of an array are selected by an array of indices. This means we pass the array of indices in brackets. Fancy indexing also supports multi-dimensional arrays. This will help us to easily select and modify a complex multi-dimensional set of arrays. Let's see an example as follows to understand fancy indexing:
# Create...