Other payment methods
All these other payment methods rely on you, your customers, or both taking action. All PrestaShop does is offer a little guidance. For example, with Bankwire, PrestaShop cannot tell you that the payment has been made. And it cannot tell you if a cheque has been cleared. All this must be done manually.
I include a brief description of the next three payment methods mainly to highlight the availability. If one or more of these methods suit your business, then great, use them. But consider the business principles discussed at the end of Chapter 8 before making any of these methods a cornerstone of your business. I only usually use such methods as a favor to a customer who requests it.
From experience, this is probably the most common form of payment after a conventional online payment. There are a number of reasons a customer might want to pay by cheque. As an example, there are still millions of people who love the idea of the Internet to browse and research but...