Use local assets for the UI
As mobile devices are limited by the connection speeds and mobile data plans are not generous with the bandwidth, you need to prepare all the UI components in the application before deploying to the app store. Nobody will want to use an application that takes a few seconds to load the server-rendered UI when the same thing could be done on the client. For example, the Google Fonts or other non-UI assets that are usually loaded from the server for the web applications are good enough as for the development process, but for the production; you need to store all the assets in the application's container and not download them during its run process. You do not want the application to wait while an important part is being loaded.
The best advice on the UI that I can give you is to adopt the Single Page Application (SPA) design; it is a client-side application that is run from one request from a web page. Initial loading means taking care of loading all the assets that...