Creating a layout
In the last recipe, we explored the Ionic UI components by creating a single-page application using a blank starter template. In this recipe, we will create a clone of the Instagram mobile app's layout.
How to do it…
To start creating our own version of the Instagram UI, we follow these steps:
Create a new tab Ionic application project with the name as
:ionic start ionSnap tabs
Change the directory to
:cd ionSnap
Then add the device platforms to the project:
ionic platform add ios ionic platform add android
Let's change the tab name. Open
and edit eachtitle
attribute ofion-tab
:<ion-tabs class="tabs-icon-top tabs-color-active-positive"> <ion-tab title="Timeline" icon-off="ion-ios-pulse" icon-on="ion-ios-pulse-strong" href="#/tab/dash"> <ion-nav-view name="tab-dash"></ion-nav-view> </ion-tab> <ion-tab title="Explore" icon-off="ion-ios-search" icon-on="ion-ios-search" href="#/tab/chats...