Creating the model layer for a master detail page
We are now going to create a new page that uses an entity object (EO). We need to define an entity object, if we intend our page to perform database transactions, such as inserts, updates, and deletes. In the scenario where we are going to implement only for the purposes of this book, we are going to demonstrate building a page that performs database transactions and later show how to develop more advanced features using OA Framework. What we are going to do is create a page that will display societies or clubs that an employee belongs to that are either internally run by our organization or externally run. We will also link up with the query page we have already created in the later recipes.
In this section, we will cover the following tasks
Creating the entity object (EO)
Creating the application module (AM)
Creating the view object (VO)
Editing the view object (VO)
Linking the view object (VO) to application module (AM)
Testing the application...