Well, this is the end of our brief tour of the best practices for improving the performance of the OmniStudio Presentation Layer. We tackled challenges using the OmniScript time tracking feature for measuring the performance of steps with UI components and learned several ways to overcome them.
Then, we measured the impact that OmniScript formulas may have on its performance. We followed that up by reviewing the impact of conditional views and merge fields on the performance of OmniScript apps, which, in our tests, were insignificant. Armed with this knowledge, we can now focus our efforts and develop better performing and more usable OmniScripts.
We continued to explore other ways to measure the performance of OmniScripts and FlexCards and learned how to use the handy LWC Debug Mode and LWC lifecycle events and took another look at the powerful Selenium browser for automation. I’m sure these will come in handy for troubleshooting and tuning the performance of...