Chapter 3. Using a Framework
The purpose of a framework is to get a consistent understanding by adopting a common language. By their nature, frameworks have strengths and weaknesses. Thus, the user needs to understand the problem that the framework was designed to solve. As we shall see, there is no perfect framework. In this chapter, we will cover:
What a business framework is:
In this section I will clarify the confusing relationship between various frameworks. I argue that frameworks are best understood as fitting into one of three levels. Once you understand the characteristics of each level, then you can select the right framework for the task. I will illustrate the power of using the right framework at the right time.
The Enterprise Designer framework (level 1):
In this section, each of the 26 components of the Enterprise Designer framework are defined and explained in alphabetical order.
The ArchiMate framework (level 2):
Because the Enterprise Designer framework is the base from which...