Applying your methodology to the project plan
As we discussed in the previous chapter, no project plan ever really survives unchanged to the end of the work, so knowing how to adapt to changes, how to prioritize every new request from the client, and so on, is very important. And while this is the most important thing for a PM to know how to do well, every member of the implementation team needs to help with this process every day during the project.
Changes come from all sides and for all imaginable reasons. In some projects, it will be the client who tries to change most of the project's trajectory, for reasons such as changing business needs or new priorities, ideas that occurred to them only recently, or just poor planning on their part. We (the consultants) should always remember that companies moving onto the NetSuite platform are not usually experienced in making this kind of transition, so we can't get upset when they change their minds from time to time. This is just...