We have several possibilities for reading data from several tables in SQL and merging that data in one internal table. I will present three possibilities for getting the data from several tables into one internal table. Here, we can use FOR ALL ENTRIES, SELECT...ENDSELECT, and JOIN. As the mechanism and principle of the FOR ALL ENTRIES operation has been discussed previously, I have only shown how to get data from several tables.
We need to split a query into two SELECT statements. However, first of all, I will prepare the structure and table when we have fields from two tables—sflight and spfli:
BEGIN OF s_for_all_entries,
mandt TYPE mandt,
carrid TYPE s_carr_id,
connid TYPE s_conn_id,
fldate TYPE s_date,
countryfr TYPE land1,
cityfrom TYPE s_from_cit,
airpfrom TYPE s_fromairp...