Basic methodology to test developer APIs
This methodology can be used to test any developer API. One needs to go through the following steps in order to successfully test the given API. The steps are as follows:
Listing endpoints
Firing different request methods
Exploiting bugs
Listing endpoints
One needs to list the endpoints which are to be examined. For example, if you are testing the Graph API and you are targeting the photos endpoint, you need to list all relevant endpoints that supplement the photos endpoint. This includes studying the photo endpoint and finding out all related functionalities, such as posting a photo, updating a photo, or deleting a photo. Also, you need to learn the difference between posting a photo on a page and on a user profile. Take notes as follows:
GET /v2.6/{photo-id} POST /v2.6/{page-id}/photos POST /v2.6/{user-id}/photos DELETE /v2.6/{photo-id}
Now we are clearer with our understanding of API and ready to test these mentioned endpoints.