Time for action - running the installer
1. The Mahara installer is started when you navigate to the
(the location you have installed Mahara) in your Internet browser. For example, we visit http://mysite.tdm.info. Your domain will have a different name.2. The first page you see in the installer invites you to read the GNU General Public License. Click I agree to continue.
If you don't see the GNU information screen, then it is likely that you have done something wrong. Mahara will typically give you a message at this point explaining what the problem is.
3. The next page is where all the important work is being done. You will see each component being installed in the database. If everything goes well, the information section on the right-hand side should have a green check mark for each component. When the installation has finished, click Continue at the bottom of the page.
4. And that's all there is to it! You will now see the home page of your very own Mahara, and I'm sure you can't wait to log in for the first time.