Head-Up Display (HUD)
The HUD can be described as the graphical interface for displaying the game information such as life stat, player score, and so on.
Menu HUD
Here we'll simply create a "Start Game" and "Quit Game" button with text, but before we do that we have to set up game states— a type of state machine that tells the various modes of a game whether the game is at the menu mode or is currently playing (game-play mode).
In the love.load()
function, set a game state as menu, so whenever the game loads its first state is the menu.
function love.load() gamestate = "menu" love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(225, 153, 0) -- load the level and bind the variable map LoadTileMap("tilemap.tmx") end
Next, we are setting another gamestate
condition; game should update and draw only when game state is "playing"
--Update them function love.update(dt) if gamestate == "playing" then bump.collide() PlayerMovement(dt) EnemyUpdate(dt) CoinUpdate(dt) DiamondUpdate(dt) LifeUpdate...