A number of the new features available in MongoDB 4.x only work if you update the setFeatureCompatibilityVersion parameter (https://docs.mongodb.com/master/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#setfeaturecompatibilityversion) in the admin database. The new features affected include the following:
- New type conversion operators and enhancements
- Multidocument transactions
- $dateToString option changes
- New change stream methods
- Change stream resume token data type changes
To view the current featureCompatibility setting, go through the following steps:
- Use the mongo shell to connect to your database as a user who has the rights to modify the admin database:
mongo --username <name of user> --password
- Use this command to view the current setting:
db.adminCommand({getParameter:1, featureCompatibilityVersion:1})
To perform the update, go through the following steps:
- Use the mongo shell to connect to your database as a user who has the...