Building your new site in three steps
You've now got a blank canvas. The site is empty, there's no content, and there are just a few basic layout elements. It's time to start building something new, cool, and attractive! In the rest of this chapter, you'll add new content to replace the content that you've just deleted while deconstructing the example site.
We'll do this in three steps:
Customize the basic layout: Tweak the layout to fit your needs.
Add content: Design a structure for your content (using categories) and add articles that fit the content framework.
Add extras: Add further functionalities to your site, such as a contact form or a little content block, drawing attention to a specific topic.
Step one – customizing the layout
In the previous chapter, you saw that the overall site layout (columns, colors, typography, and so on) is set in the site's template files. Joomla allows you to edit the current template using Template Manager. In this case, we'll replace the Joomla logo with...