- aggregate command / Analysis of networks’ structure and detection of topology changes
- anova function / Getting started with credit scoring in R
- applied R functions
- about /
- apply command /
- about /
- and CAPM, difference between /
- ARCH effects
- testing for /
- about /
- building /
- arima function /
- Asset pricing
- references /
- auto.arima function /
- Beta estimation
- data selection /
- about /
- from linear regression /
- Black-Scholes model
- about /
- blackscholes() function /
- break argument /
- Capital Market Line
- about /
- about /
- and APT, difference between /
- cointegration
- about /
- cross hedging jet fuel /
- Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) / Migration matrices
- convertible bond
- pricing /
- copula function / Correlated defaults – the portfolio approach
- copulas
- correlated random variables, using with / Correlated defaults – the portfolio approach
- correlated random variables
- with copulas / Correlated defaults – the portfolio approach
- Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) /
- credit default models
- structural models /
- intensity models /
- Credit risk modeling
- references /
- Credit Risk Modeling and Valuation
- URL /
- credit scoring
- in R / Getting started with credit scoring in R
- cross hedging jet fuel /
- CRR model
- about /
- cubic spline regression
- about /
- cubic splines
- about /
- cumsum function /
- data collection, model testing /
- data selection, Beta estimation /
- day variable /
- dedication /
- Derivatives
- references /
- durcoupon function /
- durmaturity function /
- duryield function /
- about /
- Efficient Frontier /
- emplot function / Tail behavior of claims
- estimation problem
- about /
- estim_nss function /
- evir package / Application – modeling insurance claims
- expected loss calculation
- fitted GPD model, using / Calculation of expected loss using the fitted GPD model
- Expected Shortfall (ES) / Calculation of expected loss using the fitted GPD model
- exploratory data analysis / Exploratory data analysis
- factorportfolio /
- financial network
- representing / Representation, simulation, and visualization of financial networks
- simulating / Representation, simulation, and visualization of financial networks
- visualization of / Representation, simulation, and visualization of financial networks
- Financial networks
- references /
- FinTS package /
- fitted GPD model
- used, for quantile estimation / Quantile estimation using the fitted GPD model
- used, for calculating expected loss / Calculation of expected loss using the fitted GPD model
- fixed argument /
- fixed income portfolio
- immunizing /
- net worth immunization /
- target date immunization /
- dedication /
- Fixed income securities
- references /
- fixed income security
- market risk, measuring /
- fOptions
- URL /
- fOptions package /
- forecast
- plotting /
- about /
- forecast package /
- FUN argument /
- GARCH model
- specification /
- estimation /
- GBSGreeks function /
- GBSOption function /
- Generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) / Theoretical overview
- function /
- get.adjacency function / Representation, simulation, and visualization of financial networks
- get.edgelist function / Representation, simulation, and visualization of financial networks
- get.hist.quote function /
- glm command / Getting started with credit scoring in R
- GPD distribution
- fitting, to tails / Fitting a GPD distribution to the tails
- gpd function / Fitting a GPD distribution to the tails
- Greeks
- about /
- URL /
- igraph manual
- URL / Analysis of networks’ structure and detection of topology changes
- igraph object / Analysis of networks’ structure and detection of topology changes
- implied volatility
- about /
- index property /
- individual variance
- explanatory power, testing /
- insurance claims
- modeling / Application – modeling insurance claims
- exploratory data analysis / Exploratory data analysis
- tail behavior claims / Tail behavior of claims
- threshold, determining / Determining the threshold
- GPD distribution, fitting to tails / Fitting a GPD distribution to the tails
- quantile estimation, fitted GPD model used / Quantile estimation using the fitted GPD model
- expected loss calculation, fitted GPD model used / Calculation of expected loss using the fitted GPD model
- intensity models /
- interest rates
- term structure, estimating /
- IT variable /
- Lagrange Multiplier (LM) /
- Lagrange theorem
- about /
- lambda parameter /
- linear regression
- Beta estimation, using from /
- term structure, estimating by /
- linear time series
- modeling /
- forecasting /
- loss given default (lgd) / Migration matrices
- market risk
- measuring, of fixed income security /
- Market Risk Premium (MRP) /
- maximum likelihood (ML) / Fitting a GPD distribution to the tails
- Mean-Variance model
- about /
- mean excess function / Determining the threshold
- meplot function / Determining the threshold
- migration matrices
- about / Migration matrices
- min function /
- model
- identification /
- estimation /
- diagnostic checking /
- forecasting /
- model testing
- data collection /
- SCL, modeling /
- explanatory power, testing of individual variance /
- mod_static variable /
- network structure
- analyzing / Analysis of networks’ structure and detection of topology changes
- net worth immunization /
- noise
- in covariance matrix /
- omit argument / Determining the threshold
- Ordinary Least Squared (OLS) /
- PerformanceAnalytics
- URL /
- plot(gpdfit) command / Fitting a GPD distribution to the tails
- plot command / Getting started with credit scoring in R
- Portfolio Frontier /
- Portfolio Optimization
- references /
- with R/Rmetrics, URL /
- prepro_bond function /
- priceyield function /
- qplot function / Tail behavior of claims
- Quandl
- URL /
- Quandl function /
- quantile estimation
- fitted GPD model, using / Quantile estimation using the fitted GPD model
- quantile function / Quantile estimation using the fitted GPD model
- quantmod
- URL /
- R
- implementing in /
- credit scoring / Getting started with credit scoring in R
- real data
- working with /
- returns function /
- risk management
- volatility, forecasting for /
- risk model
- backtesting /
- riskpremium parameter /
- roc function / Getting started with credit scoring in R
- rugarch library /
- modeling /
- Security Market Line (SML) /
- identifying / Contribution to systemic risk – identification of SIFIs
- spline functions
- about /
- str command /
- structural models /
- subset function / Analysis of networks’ structure and detection of topology changes
- tail behavior claims / Tail behavior of claims
- tailplot function / Quantile estimation using the fitted GPD model
- tails
- GPD distribution, fitting to / Fitting a GPD distribution to the tails
- tangency portfolio
- about /
- target date immunization /
- term structure
- estimating, of interest rates /
- estimating, by linear regression /
- term structure estimation
- references /
- theoretical overview / Theoretical overview
- threshold
- determining / Determining the threshold
- Time parameter /
- times argument /
- timeSeries
- URL /
- Time series analysis
- references /
- time series data
- working with /
- timeSeries object /
- topology changes
- detecting / Analysis of networks’ structure and detection of topology changes
- trim argument / Tail behavior of claims
- tseries
- URL /
- two models
- connection between /
- type argument /
- TypeFlag parameter /
- ugarchforecast function /
- ugarchroll function /
- ugarchroll object /
- ugarchspec function /
- UK house prices
- modeling /
- forecasting /
- urca library /
- variance
- drawbacks /
- volatilities variable /
- volatility
- modeling /
- forecasting, for risk management /
- volatility parameter /
- function / Analysis of networks’ structure and detection of topology changes
- write.csv function /
- zoo package /