Setting up the application
Once again, let's set up a barebones folder for our project along with the associated virtual environment in order to isolate our application dependencies:
$ mkdir –p ~/src/dinnerly $ mkvirtualenv dinnerly $ cd ~/src/dinnerly
Once created, let's install the basic packages that we will require including Flask itself along with the Flask-OAuthlib extension, our trusty friend Flask-SQLAlchemy, and Flask-Login, which we used in a previous chapter:
$ pip install flask flask-oauthlib flask-sqlalchemy flask-login flask-wtf
We'll utilize our trusty Blueprint-based application structure that has served us so well in the past chapters to ensure a solid foundation. For now, we'll have a single users Blueprint where the OAuth handling will be taken care of: -application ├── └── users ├── ├── └──
Once the very basic folder and file structure has been established, let's use an application factory to create our...