Take a deep breath; you've made it through the brushes chapter! Brushes in Krita are a huge (huge) topic, and they are something that gets more and more fascinating as you play around with them. As I mentioned in this chapter, the official Krita documentation is a fantastic resource if you want to nail down the nitty-gritty of technicalities, mathematics, and programming styles of the brushes and engines.
In this chapter, we reviewed the idea of brushes with more of an artistic eye, focusing primarily on creating a custom set of brushes that fit our needs, and that we can refer to for the remainder of the book. We modified existing Krita brushes, created a brush from scratch using one of Krita's powerful brush engines, and even created a full bundle of resources to share with our fellow Krita artists!
I hope you found this chapter valuable, and I'm excited about seeing the great types of resources you're going to create and share with the world!