Understanding the illusion of control
All models are wrong, but some are useful is a famous quote by George Box, and it applies to measuring red teaming and offensive security engineering, in particular. It's good to have a model, perform analysis and attempt to measure and improve, but do not make the model its own goal. The goal is to improve the security and quality of products and services by reducing the overall risk and, at the same time, building a well-functioning team. Chasing a vague understanding of a maturity model and climbing its ladder might, in the end, be counterproductive, especially when it comes to red teaming.
A standard model might create the illusion of control and could therefore be misleading. Putting things into context is necessary. So, feel free to adjust, accept, or reject what works for your team and organization.
One of the most difficult tasks in red teaming is measuring the maturity of the program itself. There have certainly been stages...