Suppose that we now have a sufficiently motivated user with the ability to take the action defined in our target behavior. In other words, they are over the activation threshold for our target behavior. But for some reason, our players are not behaving like we expect them to. According to FBM, there must be an appropriate trigger to make the user aware of taking the action and why he/she should take that action. All of this needs to be happening simultaneously. Triggers come in three forms depending on the user and where he/she is relative to the activation threshold:
Facilitator: This form is most effective when the motivation level is high but the ability is low. This trigger attempts to make it easier for the already motivated user to go ahead and take on the target behavior.
Signal: This form is most effective when the motivational level and the ability to do the task are high. This trigger serves merely as a reminder to take an action (for example, an alarm clock).
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